Have you ever found a picture and you have little knowledge about those portrayed? This has happened often to me, as I've gone through boxes and boxes of pictures left by my mother of pictures of relatives. The one displayed here had on the back "Aunt Zella and Uncle John King" missionaries to Africa.
It took me a while to place them in the family tree. John King is the son of Martin King, the brother to Charles Frederick King, who was the great-grandfather to my grandmother Virginia King. The rule in the family was that if we didn't know the "correct terminology" for relationships - we just called people Aunts and Uncles! I believe that they would have been first cousins, twice removed.
The "aha" moment came when on my Ancestry.com tree I received this comment:
"I'm the site manager for Hanby House Museum in Westerville, OH. Zella Bates King's wedding dress is on display in the museum. Her husband wasthe president of the Hanby Memorial Association formed in 1934 for the purpose of saving Hanby House. (see www. hanbyhouse.org). Mrs. King died of a heart attack in her home on October 18, 1954. There is a great story of the Kings returning from their mission trip to Africa and missing the sailing of their ship...the Titanic! There is a dormitory on the Otterbein University campus named for the Kings."
So now there is even more curiosity about this couple. And more work will come to discover their full story and their legacy for the family.
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